Welcome to your Tribe! A community of peers with whom you can vent, ask questions, learn from, and give and receive encouragement. Our team of professional coaches visits the forum daily to help you get unstuck, get clear, and get moving.
But that’s not all. Attend Support Group Calls on pertinent topics where you speak with each other in real time and get coached around challenging issues.
Plus, there is one more thing... a monthly Facebook Live designed to support you through every aspect of the emotional storm of divorce.
ARE YOU STUCK? Are you having difficulty getting from where you are to where you want to be?
A private and empathetic group of peers that relate to your situation and challenges. Join the conversation
Access the emotional support you need when you need it through our exclusive 12 Step Divorce Recovery Program.
Your GPS for navigating the rocky terrain of divorce from inception to creating your new life post divorce.
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