Testimonials About Lisa


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"After 23 years of marriage and raising three beautiful children, I found myself to be in a place I never thought I would be – Divorce. I was Angry, distraught, confused and sad and needed to be grounded on how to deal with it. I started downloading Podcasts on how to manage this difficult time and ran across a Podcast with Lisa Brick. I found the podcast to be informative and a breath of fresh air that the emotions I had been feeling where normal and would only be the beginning of a LONG process to come as to the unwinding of the marriage. I have always been one to accept help and guidance from others and elected to seek individual counseling over the phone with Lisa.

I scheduled my first call and was extremely impressed in our knowledge and understanding of the emotions I was feeling. For the first time, it started to make sense and I began to realize that the roller-coaster would continue on. I needed guidance to help me assess and stay grounded through this process. Lisa and I began with a call every other week and have continued on now for the last 13 months. Lisa has been instrumental in assisting me on these calls and has been there for me at any time day or night to help me with the issues. After 13 months and with Lisa’s guidance, I have not only accepted the divorce, but I have started to redefine me and my goals.

I can’t Thank Lisa and Journey beyond Divorce enough and do not know how I would have/could have got through the most difficult time in my life without them by my side!

They have truly provided me with a solid foundation for which to build a new understanding and perspective on life."

- Joe Fitzpatrick

“I hired Lisa two years after a severe stroke. Her coaching allowed me to get a new perspective on life. With her support I was able to accept what had happened and move forward with an optimistic attitude and renewed optimism. I went from being stuck in a care facility to living independently. Her facilitation made a world of difference in improving my emotional recovery as well as in my physical progress.

Additionally, Lisa introduced me to an experienced acupuncturist. This further helped me to feel the left side of my body and noticeably improved the blood circulation in my left leg and arm.

I heartily recommend Lisa as a coach. She went above and beyond the Call of Duty to support me. Lisa has an attitude of abundance, wisdom, and practical knowledge in addition to being an experienced and professional coach.” – Neil Cooper, CareerCoachNJ.com

“My session with Lisa provided space for me to feel cared for and understood. It was very cathartic and I was able to feel less guilty and forgive myself for things that weren’t my fault. She is a warm, kind, and down-to-earth woman who sincerely wants to help you make it through to the other side of your personal hell. I’m so grateful she was there just when I felt my need was greatest.

Lisa – just writing this brought me to tears. I’ll never forget your call coming when I was feeling so desperate.

Now I’m in a small apartment and it’s so good to have my own space again. I’m in the process of looking for a job. Largely, though, what I know I have to do is keep myself moving forward and not succumb to the fear and inability to function. I’ve already heard from people I know back in the town I was in who will be in my new town this weekend. So the prospect of seeing them and other friends from my ‘previous life’ is a positive factor.

I’m actually feeling like I’m in a state of suspended animation, not knowing what life is supposed to be, not sure if I’m pretending to be okay or if I really am. I even met a man yesterday and will be having lunch with him tomorrow. Whose life is this? Very bizarre.

Being here and away from the constraints of living with family and being reliant on others has returned a sense of self to me. Thank you again.” – GJ, MInnesota

“In the midst of one of the most terrifying periods of my life, I found out about a complimentary divorce coaching session. During only one hour, Lisa Brick was able to guide me through the process of S.M.A.R.T goal setting. She was able to point out how important it was to live life authentically. After our conversation, I left with an action plan and small achievable goals that I was determined to achieve- which I did. It really was like speed therapy! Lisa was a breath of fresh air and I would recommend her to anyone going through a divorce. She was truly a blessing.” – D.B. Long Island, NY

“After just one session with Lisa my self esteem was renewed. She’s been an incredible resource for me as I’m making decisions and experiencing life in new ways. The insight she provides is refreshing and, more importantly, non-judgmental. Almost everything that she has brought to my attention has been helpful to me on a daily basis. Since starting with Lisa I have found inspiration and motivation within myself and I am incredibly grateful for that. I now have a clear goal in my mind and have been successful in each step I have taken towards that goal.” – BK, New Jersey

“Lisa is an extraordinary coach who is both highly intuitive and practical. She is an astute listener. She sees and hears what is not readily apparent to me – or even those who have known me for years. Her insights and coaching have completely transformed my life. I seek her compassionate and wise counsel and guidance whenever I face a critical situation in my life and career.”.- Sarah Morgenstern, New Jersey

“Coaching with Lisa is a spiritual awakening experience. I always looked forward to our coaching sessions because I knew I would feel that much more motivated, aligned, passionate, and confident in myself; for her light and airy demeanor put any fears and doubts at bay. The work I’ve done with her has allowed me to clarify and honor my core values and empowered me to live life more consciously and purposefully. I was able to tap into my spiritual core during sessions and experience an emotional cleansing that continues to feel rejuvenating and peaceful long after our calls have ended. I’m so grateful to have experienced her remarkable talent! She is a kindred spirit with a grace, warmth, and understanding that remains with me.” – Robin Sampson, First Circle Leaders, New York

“I have been coaching with Lisa and as a result have been experiencing a remarkable freedom and clarity. Truly I had no idea how much fear and early programming were interrupting the life I had envisioned, particularly the way I wanted to feel in my life. I had created momentum but forward movement was taking great effort and it felt as though each step forward included a few steps back and forth to make it there. I felt as if I could see where I wanted to be only a few feet away, but was baffled at why I wasn’t landing there. I did a tremendous amount of work to try to get there. Trying never worked. Imagine creating new habits that allow for energy and vitality- that is what became possible for me in breaking through fears, particularly unconscious ones, and early programming that I was still operating from. Freedom from obstruction allows me access to my personal power and opened the gates for me. The vision for my life, especially how I want my life to feel, is my consistent reality now allowing for the joy and success I could not get to before this.” – Fiona Stevens, Connecticut

“While I am a successful author and illustrator, there are times when a project, or with work in general, I need a way to propel myself and find structure. Coaching with Lisa gives me both, and a new way of looking at my work.” – Melissa Sweet, www.melissasweet.com, Maine

“Deep gratitude goes to my coach/mentor Lisa Brick. Lisa offered her guidance to me during a time in my life when I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. She has held my mind, my heart and my spirit in a loving and safe cocoon as I journey from breakdowns into breakthroughs. Lisa has been the ultimate midwife to the birthing of new way – a greater Ali way – of being.” – Ali Skylar www.divingintothriving.com New Jersey

“I am finding the freedom to transform the exact life I have into a life that nourishes and inspires me now. I am no longer waiting.” – JK, Germany

“Working with Lisa is transformative. The way I look at the world and interact with it now is so different and so much more fulfilling because of all that I have learned with her. I am deeply grateful for the breakthroughs I’ve made coaching with her,  personally and professionally.”  S – NYC 

“I was looking for some sort of support system after my divorce  and I did not want to go back to the psychologist i had seen because I was looking for something different. I was not ready to go to group therapy or group support. I listened to a webinar at Journey Beyond Divorce and I liked their approach so I made an appointment to speak to Lisa Brick, a divorce coach.
I think that the word I would use for how I felt before coaching was “lost”. I felt lost because not only  did I leave my marriage but I returned to New York after living in Israel for over 30 years. I left the US as a young mother and wife and returned as a 58 year old divorced grandmother. Since I’d spent the majority of my adult life overseas I’d left behind most of my friends, the adult support I’d had. I was angry and resentful towards my husband.  I felt sadness and guilt that I’d failed to keep my marriage together. I honestly do not know how long I’d felt that way  It was almost two months between the time my divorce  was finalized and the time I started coaching. There were a few things that I learned through coaching that made me feel better about myself. The feeling of breakthrough came about with realizing that I had to forgive myself. It came about in a discussion on forgiving my ex with a simple question posed to me: “Forget about forgiving your husband. Can you forgive yourself?”
Once I forgave myself other things started to fall into place for me. A discussion on regrets  was also a big breakthrough for me. Lisa pointed out that we always imagine that our life would have been better if we had made other decisions about our lives but there is no guarantee of that!
One other thing I learned was to appreciate the present, not to fret over  what the future might bring and not to regret the past. Coaching helped me to visualize what I want for myself and to find things that make me happy. It taught me to be happy with myself and the decisions that I made and will make in the future. It helped me understand that I don’t always have to live up to other people’s expectations. It helped me realize that failing at my marriage does not make me a failure.
Coaching also helped me to face some of my fears and it gave me the strength to deal with them. I learned how to feel my anger yet put it on the side.  It no longer gets in my way.
I know I made the right decision in leaving my marriage and I now have more confidence to face the future as a single woman again. ~ Beth

“I have been working with Lisa Brick from Journey Beyond Divorce since my separation almost one year ago. She has proven to be an outstanding resource for me in the professional support I receive – in the form of referrals to other wellness professionals, legal advisors, etc. More importantly, Lisa has been a kind, informative, supportive, and gentle voice when we have our hour long coaching sessions and follow ups post phone calls.
From the individual attention I receive, as well as the podcasts and informative articles they provide, JBD is a comprehensive source to help me navigate the often times dark waters of divorce. I cannot recommend them highly enough to anyone finding themselves in need of such services.” – A Father and Dentist, NYC

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