Testimonials About Karen


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“I found Journey Beyond Divorce podcast 2 days after my wife told me she wanted a divorce. I was in a unique position where we could not tell friends and family at the time because we did not want our kids to deal with it while finishing their school year up. So I was looking for positive messages or advice to listen to throughout the day. Once I found this podcast I binged listened at work – in the car – while I exercised – pretty much anytime I could. I listened to several of them 3 and 4 times. The thing that helped me the most is realizing that the situation I was in – the mind games you play with yourself – the ups and downs – and the healing process is shared by so many others. Plus, the simple reassurance that this too shall pass was comforting. The podcasts gave me simple things to incorporate during my day – healthy mind sets to practice and most importantly something positive to feed my mind! It was a major part in helping me heal and get to a healthy place. It helped me set boundaries – it helped me focus on what I can control and it helped me learn to slow down and embrace the process. Men like to take pride in fixing things ourselves – being strong enough to simply endure, but I think it takes strength to realize your limitations and be open to learning. My kids, my future self, and my future relationships deserve better than me simply ‘getting over it’. I wanted to come out of it healthier, happier, smarter, and stronger!” ~ Clint, TN

“Thank you for what you do. I grew up in a family funeral business of 6 generations and know the importance of support. What you are doing is helping change lives for the better and I can attest you have helped me through my struggles in the divorce process. You are making a difference. What a wonderful way to live your life. Congrats!”
~ Kurt, Ohio

“My Journey Beyond coach was ready to meet me where I was every time we spoke. But she always pushed me a little bit further — whether it was to consider something I hadn’t thought of or give me concrete steps to make change. She kept our work focused on progress. I’m so grateful for her warmth and clear-eyed guidance.”
~ Patricia, NYC

“Divorce is no doubt the most difficult experience I had to deal with in my life. Lucky for me, I found Karen to help me navigate through the personal and legal process. Through her support and caring, she helped me realize that there is a good life, if not better after divorce. There is no doubt that I could not have made it through without Karen. She helped me rebuild my life and confidence which ultimately made me realize that I am the person I was before divorce. I could not appreciate her more.”
~ Kevin R.

“I worked with my coach for 2 years. In that time I learned so much. I learned the things I do that sabotage my happiness, how judgmental I could be, and that I am extremely hard on myself and take blame when it is not my responsibility. I learned to look at things in a positive light and that we have to accept people for who they are.

Coaching helped me come to a place of acceptance. My hurt dissipates quicker and I can let it go. I look at the many things that are good rather than the few that are not. If you have problems getting you down, I highly recommend life coaching. It helped me and maybe it can help you too.”
~ Marlene, NYC

“It has been an unbelievable experience coaching with you. You have helped me help myself.

I don’t feel pain anymore.  I am changing my whole life and there is no way I could have handled it or managed it without the tools, wisdom and experience you provided.

I did as well as I did managing my children and getting through with a positive outlook. No bitterness!  Honestly, it was like trying to fly a plane without a manual. Now I hope I can be that manual for my children.

The coaching has been the foundation.  It was by far the most difficult time of my life.  I am proud of how I managed it and excited about my future!”  ~ Gina, NYC

“Karen has been a tremendously helpful resource for me and my clients.  She has helped my clients handle the emotional issues that are inevitable in any divorce case, which issues are often obstructive to an amicable settlement.  Karen helps the client get into a space where they are able to make rational decisions as the case proceeds, freeing me up to focus on the legal issues.  It’s great to have her as part of the team.” – Deborah Hrbek, Esq.

“I came to Karen in a state of despair, confusion, and great anxiety after the sudden end of a 44-year marriage.  Karen’s approach of compassion and encouraging introspection as a way of changing my mind set and offering growth helped me survive the most difficult period of my life and grow as a person in the process.  She helped me see a different way of looking at the pain and confusion I was going through as a learning experience.  Step by step with practical suggestions on building a new life, I started to see a stronger self-emerge.  Karen is a fantastic guide on this journey.” – Roberta

“I probably couldn’t have made it through my divorce with such a positive outlook on my new journey without Karen. She is extremely intuitive and has a way of narrowing in on your exact thoughts and feelings. She doesn’t hesitate to share her own experiences, which made me realize that I am never alone in this process. Karen helped me keep my optimism during tough times and kept me focused on moving forward while being true to myself. She’s an amazing coach and person, who I now consider a dear friend. I am very lucky to work with her. She cut through the fog and helped me navigate one of the most challenging times in my life.” – Tricia

“As an attorney, I have seen the positive impact that Karen’s coaching has had on clients who are in the middle of divorce. She helps them to get clear on their goals and interests, find their voice in the process and view their entire circumstances from a healthier perspective.  This not only helps the client to feel more confident and centered in the midst of the divorce,  but it also allows the attorney and client to work together toward resolution in a more productive way.” ~ Andrea Vacca, Esq.

“I have worked with several therapists and life coaches over the years to deal with issues in my personal and business relationships. None were effective. They never communicated in a way that was helpful to me. I kept repeating the same self-sabotaging behavior over and over again.

In 4 months of working with Karen, I have transformed my life. I achieved all the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the process. I’ve eliminated all the negative forces and drama in my life, learned to set boundaries and achieved peace of mind. No more sleepless nights, no more drama or anxiety. I no longer view myself as a victim nor find the need to control everything in my life. Changing my perspective was key to finding my peace. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Karen.” – Angel

“I am an attorney, practicing primarily in the area of divorce and family law, and have worked with Karen for quite some time.

In working with her, I continue to witness the incredible difference she makes in the lives of her clients, as she compassionately and, yes, lovingly guides them through the divorce process, so that they can turn the page to the next chapter in their lives.

Karen’s unique insight, perspective and ability to see the big picture is complemented by her warmth, compassion and genuine concern for those she serves, including their spiritual and emotional growth.

Having represented many of Karen’s clients, I have witnessed, first-hand, the difference that she makes, as she enables them to objectively view their situation and prioritize their future goals, rather than focusing on the past.

Suffice it to say, Karen stands out in a class of her own, and I would enthusiastically recommend her to anyone going through the trials and travails of the divorce process.” ~ Joshua B. Hecht, Esq., Sunshine, Isaacson & Hecht, LLP

“I am so profoundly grateful to Karen McMahon for the Divorce Coaching Group and personal coaching we have done together. After 40+ years, I am beginning to understand why I chose the partners I chose, including my former spouse. Karen’s coaching approach is direct and efficient. Unlike traditional therapy, which may serve as a complement to coaching work but take years, Karen’s coaching produced immediate results. She helped me to see not only why I accepted the unacceptable but gave me concrete assignments to change my behavior.

“As a newly single parent who now works full time as a result of my divorce, I appreciated Karen’s expeditious use of time, honestly and keen insights. Karen is compassionate, understanding, wise and professional. I highly recommend her as a divorce coach.” – JBH

“I had been formally divorced from my ex for almost 4.5 years before I was introduced to Karen McMahon.  It’s not that I couldn’t “get through being divorced”, I was tired of it encompassing my entire life. I needed to turn off the internal voice in my head where my ex spoke so loudly, I needed to stop letting him push my buttons.

I worked with Karen for a few months, slowly the voices died down then one day they were no longer there. I was now the only one in my head. I can’t begin to explain the changes or the life impact Karen has made on me. I will admit that on some days there is another voice in my head besides my own, but it is no longer my ex’s it’s Karen saying “and what do you think about that”. I am forever grateful she helped me get my life back, take control and empowered me to be who I wanted.

I can now look back and say I am strong and I am in control of my own life. I can only thank Karen for giving me the strength to believe in myself and who I am.  I will be forever grateful for her talks and I am glad if there is ever anyone speaking inside my head that it is her.” – Laurie

“While in the midst of the darkness and pain that my sudden divorce brought upon me, meeting Karen was a ray of hope. She listened, really listened, and then with heartfelt compassion, guided me to a place where I can accept the fact that there is a purpose for everything. Her tenderness is coupled with conviction. And I feel blessed to have found such an insightful and practical coach to guide me through this journey of divorce.” – Geri K.

“My work with Karen has helped me navigate the difficulties I faced as I began the divorce process from my spouse who made the decision not to work on our marriage. I was dealing with all of the stages of grief: denial, bargaining, anger and depression and Karen helped me to focus on what I had control over versus what I did not and take the steps necessary to move forward. I highly recommend her!” – Susan

“Working with Karen changed my perspective on life. I was getting over a difficult break-up and stuck in a rut and not moving forward. Karen tactfully challenged my beliefs that were holding me back and was able to give me the unconditional acceptance to help me get through a difficult time. Her wisdom and insight helped me to recalibrate my thinking and view the future through a lens of possibility.” – Melanie D.

“Karen is a rare treasure. She has insight and sensitivity and so understands the whole divorce process. Whenever I meet someone who I think may need some help in getting through the rough patches of a divorce I highly recommend them to see Karen.

She is bright, articulate and gets to the heart of the matters in what most therapists would take months to do, Karen can do it in one session. You leave with a sense of accomplishment and a better understanding of where you want to go. I look forward to coming back to her groups.” – Zena

“Attending the weekly coaching groups beginning a few weeks after my husband left was life changing. Karen’s warmth and understanding was so unbelievably important in my new found strength when I thought my life was going to fall apart. The meeting space became my sanctuary–from the lighting and candles to the cozy couches.  I came to the first few meetings with such a mix of emotions, and hearing the stories of others going through similar experiences showed me that I was not alone, and each week it served as a reminder of the progress I was making.

Karen is a wonderful listener.  She really has a unique ability to “hear” what you are really trying to say and coaches you to find the answer. I highly recommend that anyone thinking of or going through a divorce try the groups for a few weeks, and you will get hooked! The people I met, became confidants and a support system.” – Lacey

“Karen is an amazingly intuitive, compassionate, and effective life coach. I am consistently dazzled by her ability to lead, guide, and direct me to discover my Truth for myself. The insights I’ve gained from our sessions have been jaw-droppingly profound and wonderfully healing. Karen combines a real sense of connection with powerful inquiry that has uncovered new depths of clarity and direction in my life. I cannot recommend her more highly.” – Brett R.

“Karen is an excellent listener who helped me with practical ideas on how to handle the difficult issues I was facing in my marriage. I appreciated her understanding and perspective on how I could focus on what I can control. I highly recommend her if you are going through a challenging personal situation and want to focus on what you can do to make things better.” – Susan V.

“I have worked with Karen in her coaching groups. Karen has helped me get right to the point. She keeps me focused and helps keep me from going off the topic. Karen has also made me think about things in a different way. I have enjoyed her approach and I have left the sessions with a more positive, deeper and more meaningful feeling. I look forward to my growth as a person.” – Sharon G.

“I enjoyed working with Karen about matters of my divorce–in particular about how to handle and how to communicate with my soon-to-be ex. She was able to break down my feelings of being overwhelmed into small steps that could be worked on in an hour session. She remembered, too, what we worked, and brought that up in following sessions. She was also receptive to not working on issues that I did not want to spend time on. I appreciated and valued the outside support.” – Sandy X.

“Karen you have helped me a great deal. I was able to leave my therapist of many years, get my kids in therapy and acknowledge the reality of the situation.

I trust you. That I guess is really the best thing I can say about you…to actually TRUST someone who is so pure of spirit and has this great desire to help people get out of their…for lack of a better word…PRISON. You speak from the heart, sometimes the broken heart ’cause you’ve been there. At times you make me feel you are going through this with me and other times you are lifting me out of my prison. But you always get it.  You let me know when I put myself in this prison and inform me when I am doing the work to get out and stay out of it.

This coaching is so different from therapy. I feel I have progressed in uncountable ways in the three short months we have been together. It has not been easy for me but it seems so effortless for you. At times I just wonder what on earth happened to you to make you so special, then I want to thank you for choosing me to impart your learning upon. There has never been a second in our relationship where I have felt you were less than 100% involved with my progress.” – Geri R.

“Karen has helped me through a very difficult time and continues to help me. I did not seek a divorce but was shocked when my husband left me for a woman I didn’t even know existed. I had been with my husband since college and was stunned by the depth and extent of the betrayal by the person I thought was my best friend. Although I am a professional, I have always tried to please other people and never tried to please myself. This attitude was deeply ingrained since childhood since a compliant child was the best chance against an angry father.

Karen is helping me to uncover what I want and how to achieve it. She has helped me see how my behavior invited bad behavior from the people I cared about the most- my parents, my husband, my sister, etc. She has also helped me see how my victim mentality has held me back at work. The interesting thing is- Karen doesn’t tell me what to do- she helps me figure out what I want to do. She helps me ask the right questions.

My life has been turned upside down. Sometimes you need someone to help you navigate through life and see the forest through the trees. Karen does that for me and I am grateful that I found her.” – Ellen B.

“I’ve had the honor of having Karen McMahon as my coach and I can truly say that she is extraordinary. Karen has a true sense of who she is as a coach and brings a level of energy that motivates and inspires others to succeed at whatever they set out to do. Karen specializes in divorce coaching and brings a depth of knowledge to this specialization that so many have benefited from, helping them to have forward movement that gets sustainable results. I would recommend Karen to anyone who needs a divorce coach to help them move forward in their lives.” – Tracy H.

“Karen has undoubtedly changed my life for the better. After only a few sessions, I felt more confident with my daily activities and gained the courage to be who I wanted to be. She definitely knows what she’s doing and I would recommend her to anyone! Better than any other help I’ve received in my life.” – Ally K.

“I have had the honor of being coached by Karen McMahon as well as participating in programs that she has developed.

Karen’s clear, crisp, and supportive style, combined with her capacity to listen deeply and distinguish the kernels of import in what is being shared, lead to value in ANY association with her.

She brings considerable and well-honed skills and complete commitment to all that she does. Karen is a guide into that part of oneself that is always whole and wise.

I recommend Karen unconditionally.” – Lisa Brick, Power & Purpose Coaching

“I have been running my fine art ceramics business for 15 years and in the last 2 months began working with Karen with the intention of shifting my business focus.

With Karen’s help, things I thought would take 2 to 4 years to develop, have come together in just months. Karen’s ability to help cull out my needs and direct me to join them with my strengths is amazing!

Coaching is a great opportunity to work with someone who reflects your needs back to you and then roots you on in pursuing them – but with a distance that partners, friends, and colleagues do not have.

I’m watching my Art business transform right before my eyes, to become a more viable, more exciting and more honest reflection of me. It would have taken years to do what Karen has helped me do in just weeks. She is a thoughtful, gifted and dynamic coach. I think anyone would want her rooting their team on!” – Brenda M., Polished and Poetic

“I’ve known Karen for many years and have always been inspired by her incredible listening skills and ability to help see the positive in any given situation. Most recently I was faced with a possible job change since my current situation had turned toxic due to a difficult boss. Karen and I worked through the decision-making process via different exercises that helped me gain perspective on the situation. She was able to share her insight without being judgmental and her probing questions helped me come to answers on my own. I managed to have very difficult conversations and confront a challenging boss but I was able to do it with dignity and grace thanks to Karen’s support and guidance. My work situation is no longer toxic thanks to the skills I developed through my work with Karen. She is a natural coach and will get you through the transition you are facing.” – Megan S.

“I have been blessed to have Karen in my life as a coach and also as a friend. Our sessions started in January 2010, and we have grown so much together. My primary focus has been on my career goals and personally developing my ideas about what I want for my life. Karen’s calm, serene demeanor combined with her understanding, guidance, and professionalism has been a consistent foundation for our sessions. Karen’s coaching style has been instrumental in helping me cope with the emotions of a layoff and unemployment as well as empowering me to be my “authentic” self! I am happy to report that just today, I accepted a brand new job offer! I am so excited to share this with Karen, and I know I will continue working with her in some way for as long as I can. THANK YOU SO MUCH KAREN.” – Karen L.

“I was stuck, and the way I was talking to myself kept me stuck. Karen pointed out the words I was using to describe what was going on. I changed these words, and in a week, I knew what to do next. She’s got really well tuned ears, and it feels like there’s someone walking arm in arm with you as you make some pretty big changes. Awesome.” – Mary B.

“I truly welcomed the exciting opportunity to work with Karen. The three things I most appreciate about our work together are: her ability to know I need “space” to think and process; the constant words of encouragement and acknowledgment; and Karen’s guided meditations–such bliss!” – Kristian

“Going in I kept an open mind unknowing of what was ahead of me. We all warmed up and the vibe was amazing. You can feel the genuine concern and caring like a big hug. Karen is a breath of fresh air with thoughtful comments and questions — taking time to feel inspired with each step. You can leave each group having spent time with good people with a warm feeling of contentment or dig deep for some serious soul searching and life transition. Bless you all on your journey!” – Lisa J.

“The invitation of God’s healing power and Karen’s life coaching tools brought transformation and freedom to an area of my life that was “stuck” for many years. Being with other women of faith added a whole new dimension and sets apart this group from anything conventional. God was always faithful to join us and the peace and power of his presence spilled over for days after. Come expecting change and you won’t be disappointed!” – Barbara R.

“Connecting life coaching with a Christian focus was extremely powerful to me. I was walked through some thought processes that had not been working for me, beautifully by Karen, at the same time as enhancing my relationship with the Lord and adding support to an amazing group of ladies. It was great to practice putting the Lord into the center of working through our lives. Thank you Karen for reaching out and bringing your expertise to us in this way!” – JoAnna P

“I reached a point in my life where I knew that if I didn’t start doing something I was going to come apart at my own already straining seams. Life Coaching with Karen was suggested. I agreed to give it a ‘try.’… Funny things began to happen as I sat thru my sessions. Yes, my ‘old junk’ came floating up – but Karen kept me from falling into the pit of its grip. Lo, no more paralyzing stagnation.

What surprised me more, was the further I -we – worked thru the top layers -of my self-fabricated onion – the faster the changes and addressing happened. The more I got done, the more clear I was… back and forth this see-saw goes, and continues to go! This is truly a ‘Don’t give a man a fish… Teach him how to fish’ scenario. Though she was guiding me, it was me making the flowchart of steps to take. Go figure, I had it in me all along?!

I want to highly recommend Karen’s Women of Faith group. It was truly a blessing in my life.  Karen’s compassion, sincerity, and spirituality helped lead us all in the direction we needed to go.  She listens with her whole heart, and had concrete tools we used to help us make goals for ourselves. The book she suggested for me was perfect – it opened my eyes!

I loved the support and prayer I received from the women in my group, in a non-judgmental way. We were all different, and yet connected on many levels.  We helped each other, and made solid friendships. I feel a transformation in my soul. I feel peace and gratefulness. I know I’m not where I want to be yet, but I’m not where I used to be.  I’m on my way!” – Doreen Clemente

“Karen, in very short order, worked me through a major block in my development. She kept asking the right questions that led me to insight that had evaded me for years. She combines equal amounts of practical suggestions with probing insight. It was definitely worth my while to do this work with her.” – Leslie Parke

“Karen has been a godsend. She was able to help me more in the first 3 months of coaching than many years of working with a therapist. She has a wonderful approach, is extremely easy to open up to, and has a knack for helping me to think about things in a new way. In difficult situations, I often find myself thinking “what would Karen say about this?” Her coaching advice has helped me tremendously in my post-divorce situation with a very difficult ex and I can’t recommend her highly enough!” ~Erica

Divorce coaching has been an unbelievable experience. It has helped me help myself.  

I don’t feel pain anymore.  I am changing my whole life and there is no way I could have handled it or managed it without the tools, wisdom and experience Journey Beyond provided.

I did as well as I did managing my children and getting through with a positive outlook AND no bitterness!  Honestly, it was like trying to fly a plane without a manual.  Now I hope I can be that manual for my children.

The coaching has been the foundation.  Working out and reaching out to friends to support me helped too. It was by far the most difficult time of my life.  I am proud of how I managed it and excited about my future!  ~ GR, NYC

“In the time that I spent navigating my divorce, I have been through 3 psychotherapists and it just wasn’t working.  I found divorce coaching the most helpful.  It is very down to earth, very validating of the actual experience and without suggesting what you should feel.  Coaching was so much more helpful because my coach validated where I was at in my deep fear and depression.  The message I received was that I am where I am supposed to be.  This was and continues to be most helpful.” ~ R.L.A., NYC

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