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Divorce Roadmap: The Mediation Approach to Divorce

Mediation is a non-adversarial approach to divorcing outside of the court system.  It is often considered a less expensive approach and is most definitely a less adversarial approach to divorce. Yet it isn't for everyone. If you have a high conflict marriage with a lack of ability to communicate, compromise, be transparent and keep the kids central in your decisions, mediation might not be the right path for you.

Today's guest, Andrea Vacca, Esq is a mediation and collaboration attorney. She explains who is a good fit for mediation, how it differs from other avenues for divorcing and takes us through a typical mediation case from beginning to end.  She also shares tips and questions for vetting the right mediator for you! You will be sure to know if this is the right fit for you and if so what to expect as you enter the mediation process.

Contact Andrea here:

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60 E 42nd St #764
New York, NY 10165
Phone: 646-491-8818
Email: [email protected]
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