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HC Divorce Demystified: Divorcing a Narcissist: Mastering The Emotional Rollercoaster with Tracy Malone

By JBD Team | Tags - May 29, 2024

We’re diving into a topic that many of you are eager to learn about. Now, imagine being on a rollercoaster, not just any rollercoaster, but...

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HC Divorce Demystified: Facing the Fire: Divorce Strategies with High Conflict Expert Bill Eddy

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 05, 2024

Our guest is none other than Bill Eddy, a leading expert in managing high-conflict personalities. As the pioneer in understanding and navigating...

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Behind Closed Doors: The Hidden Struggles of Abused Husbands

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 23, 2024

Welcome to today’s special episode, where we shine a light on a topic that often remains in the shadows. While we’ve dedicated much of...

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Special Guest: Ross Rosenberg - How to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse

By JBD Team | Tags - Sep 25, 2023
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If your marriage has felt chaotic and confusing and over the years you have become unhinged, shut down and felt a loss of...

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Voices Of Celebration: How His Betrayal Led Me to Trust and Honor Myself

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 22, 2023

Trish reached out for coaching post divorce. She had already done so much work even prior to finding out about her spouse’s infidelity that...

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Voices of Celebration: My Faith Walk Through Divorce: From Fear to Freedom

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 15, 2023

Jodi recently emerged from a 2 year high conflict divorce. She and her family were integrally involved in a local community of faith and she...

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The Dysfunctional Dance of High Conflict Marriages - Part I

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 16, 2020

Karen McMahon

If you are married to and trying to divorce a pathological narcissist it is crucial that you understand the underlying psychology of...

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