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High Conflict Divorce: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 27, 2022


While all decision during divorce are challenging, deciding whether to stay and mend your marriage or to divorce is one of the most...

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Healthy Romantic Relationships: 4 Pillars of Successful Romantic Relationships

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 24, 2022

Welcome back to our Series on Healthy Romantic Relationships. Today we are chatting with Emmy Hernandez about the “4 Pillars to a Romantic...

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The Dysfunctional Dance of High Conflict Marriages - Part I

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 16, 2020

Karen McMahon

If you are married to and trying to divorce a pathological narcissist it is crucial that you understand the underlying psychology of...

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Seeing Light at the End of the Divorce Tunnel

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 22, 2020

Guest Post By Larry Bailey 

In the beginning of divorce there was darkness. It began to lift in the many hours, days, and months I invested in...

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What Happens if You Are Getting a Military Divorce?

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 06, 2020

Guest Post by Mitchell Cohen

What happens if you are getting a military divorce?

Most of those in the know agree that military marriages are...

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Divorce in the Time of Corona

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 23, 2020

By Lisa Brick

Honestly, it’s challenging to think now. I don’t know what will happen to my family, friends, and community despite our...

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Essential Legal Guidelines for Navigating High Conflict Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 21, 2020

By Karen McMahon

Navigating divorce is a painful and unsettling experience.  Journeying through high conflict divorce is often terrifying and...

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Covid-19: What Co-Parent’s Need to Know

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 16, 2020

By Lisa Brick

If you are co-parenting through this pandemic there are certain facts to keep in mind regarding Covid-19 infections and the threat...

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Co-Parenting in the Time of Corona Virus

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 15, 2020

By Lisa Brick

“Parents, although your hearts may ache and lots of courage it may take, be brave, it’s for your children’s sake,...

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