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The Online Dating Game

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 14, 2015

By: Karen McMahon

Recently single again, I have watched my reluctance to get back into the dating game.  In examining my resistance, limited...

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Healthy Relationships Require Healthy Boundaries

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 26, 2015

By Karen McMahon

We need boundaries to experience healthy loving relationships.  Yet so many of us did not grow up in families that exhibited...

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Possibility Lies On The Other Side Of Our Comfort Zone

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 27, 2015

By Karen McMahon

Once we are aware and accept that we are where we are, we must then act and there in lies the most vital step to not only...

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Creating Your Divorce Support Team

By JBD Team | Tags - Jan 27, 2015

By Lisa Brick

Divorce is  a lonely and isolating process initially yet it does not have to remain that way. As confusing and painful as...

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Mind Chatter - Joy's Thief

By JBD Team | Tags - Jan 27, 2015

By Karen McMahon

What causes us to lose our peace and joy?

Financial instability.  Complicated health issues.  Sudden unexpected...

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Intimacy After Divorce: What's The Risk?

By JBD Team | Tags - Dec 26, 2014

By Lisa Brick

intimacy (n)

in·ti·ma·cy[ íntษ™mษ™ssee ]

  1. close relationship: a close personal relationship
  2. quiet...
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The Greatest Obstacle Men Face In Getting Support

By JBD Team | Tags - Oct 15, 2014

By Trent Hand

I have a confession to make.  I’m not always proud of this and it’s something my wife has been dealing with for a...

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The Secret to a Peaceful Divorce and saving on Attorney Fees

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 27, 2014

By Lisa Brick

There are obvious differences in perspectives and opinions between people. How individuals approach their perspectives and opinions...

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Action: The Third Step in the Journey Toward Peace

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 14, 2014

To read about the first two steps, begin here...

Step 1:  Awareness - The first step in becoming conscious of our role in every upset is...

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