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JBD Team Talks: Divorce Restructures the Family - About Family Systems

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 30, 2023
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If you are going through a divorce - or contemplating taking this step - and you have children, this podcast is for you.


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Divorce Trauma Recovery: A Fast and Effective Approach to Regulate Your Nervous System with Elisabeth Kristoff

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 24, 2023
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When living with and divorcing a dysfunctional high conflict personality is fraught with triggering experiences...

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All Things Parenting: Real Life Amicable and High Conflict CoParenting with Jessica and TH of the ExExperts

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 06, 2023
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Today's conversation highlights both the unique differences one faces when coparenting with a high conflict ex and the...

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Meet the Coaches: Founder, Karen McMahon's Story

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 06, 2023

This episode is being shared from the Divorced People podcast which Karen McMahon was recently interviewed on.

Divorced People is a podcast about...

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All Things Parenting: Long Distant Parenting: The challenges, rewards and best practices with Carrie Norwood

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 06, 2023

Distance parenting was a new term to me when I found today’s guest and given that I have been in the divorce field for over a dozen years,...

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Voices of Celebration: My Unexpected Unbelievable Life After Divorce and Cancer with Guest, Clare

By JBD Team | Tags - Aug 06, 2023

Clare was beaming when we began talking, so excited about her new lease on life. She had a marriage that had been dead for a while, with little...

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All Things Parenting: Parallel Parenting: A Proven Approach to Successful High Conflict Co Parenting with Brook Olsen

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 16, 2023

Welcome to another episode of All Things Parenting.  You’re post divorce and survived the chaotic, complex, often times hostile and...

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All Things Parenting: When Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids with Diane Dempster

By JBD Team | Tags - May 30, 2023

Today we are discussing what happens when Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids. If you are raising a complex kid, you know the unique...

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All Things Parenting: The Business Partnership Approach to Successful CoParenting with Janet Price

By JBD Team | Tags - May 09, 2023

Welcome to The Business Partnership Approach to Successful CoParenting. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs we are called to do. In...

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