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JBD Team Talks: The Practice of Noticing and Letting Go

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 03, 2022

Divorce offers a plethora of opportunities to get triggered, react and then remain upset. Today's talk is about the difference between the pain of...

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Healthy Romantic Relationships: Entering New Relationships with a Positive Mindset and Self Compassion

By JBD Team | Tags - May 26, 2022

Welcome to our Healthy Romantic Relationship Series and today’s episode: Entering New Relationships with a Positive Mindset and Self...

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Why You Shouldnโ€™t Wait Until After Your Divorce to Meet with a Financial Advisor

By JBD Team | Tags - Dec 06, 2021

Guest Blog by Aviva Pinto, CDFA®, CDS

You are divorcing. You have a million things to think and worry about. Your divorce professional...

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Random Dating vs Dating Deliberately

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 08, 2021

I don’t know what you were streaming after your divorce, but I binge-watched HBO’s Sex and the City.  The show’s iconic main...

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How to Talk to Your Teen about a Co-Parent's Alcohol Abuse

By JBD Team | Tags - May 18, 2021
Most teenagers experience various physical and mental changes as they transition into adulthood. Add a significant event like a parents’...
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JBD Team Talks: My New Life Has Proven My Fear To Be A Liar

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 22, 2021


Cathy lived a life that from the outside appeared completely successful with a beautiful home and thriving family business. The reality...

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Divorce IS a Heroโ€™s Journey

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 16, 2021

You have just come to an agreement on how to settle your divorce. You may be still reeling from the entire ordeal. You’ve had to make some...

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How to Talk with Your Adult Children About Your Upcoming Separation or Dissolution of Marriage

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 10, 2021

by Carol R. Hughes, Ph.D., LMFT, www.DivorcePeacemaking.com

The following are some tips for you as you prepare to talk with your adult children....

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Journey Inward to Your Authentic Self

By JBD Team | Tags - Dec 07, 2020

Guest Post By Robin Shaw

When going through divorce, we can feel so alone with our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, we wonder who we can turn to,...

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