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Divorce and Shared Living Spaces: Navigating Boundaries

By JBD Team | Tags - Jul 03, 2024

Going through a divorce is a challenging journey, and it becomes even more complex when both parties continue living under the same roof. This...

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HC Divorce Demystified: Difficult Conversations Around Divorce: Telling Spouse, Kids, Friends and Family with Zach Brittle & Laura Heck

By JBD Team | Tags - May 29, 2024


In today’s episode, we are going to navigate through some of the most heart-wrenching conversations that come with the decision of...

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HC Divorce Demystified: Divorcing a Narcissist: Mastering The Emotional Rollercoaster with Tracy Malone

By JBD Team | Tags - May 29, 2024

We’re diving into a topic that many of you are eager to learn about. Now, imagine being on a rollercoaster, not just any rollercoaster, but...

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HC Divorce Demystified: Child Advocacy: The Guardian ad Litem Journey with Your Kids with Elle Barr

By JBD Team | Tags - May 29, 2024

In the turbulent seas of high-conflict custody battles and family disputes, a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) serves as a lighthouse, guiding decisions in...

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HC Divorce Demysitifed: Breaking the News: Strategies for Discussing Divorce with Your Kids with Christina McGee, MSW

By JBD Team | Tags - May 29, 2024

Telling your kids and you’re getting a divorce is scary and hard.  The world as they know it is about to forever change and feel like...

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HC Divorce Demystified: Affluence and Adversity: Financial Intricacies At The Crossroads of High Conflict and High Net Worth Divorce with Patrick Kilbane, CDFA

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 23, 2024

Navigating a high conflict, high net worth divorce is exceptionally challenging, blending intricate financial issues with intense emotional...

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HC Divorce Demystified: Exploring the Intersection of High Conflict and High Net Worth Divorce with Susan Myres

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 18, 2024

In this episode, we delve into the intricate dynamics of divorce proceedings at the crossroads of high conflict and high net worth.


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HC Divorce Demystified: Shifting the Dynamic between You and Your High Conflict Spouse with Dr. Thomas Jordan, Ph.D.

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 09, 2024

Welcome to today's episode, where we delve into the profound impact family origins have on adult intimate relationships. We'll explore how the...

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Your Support Team & Exploring Therapy vs. Coaching in High Conflict Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 05, 2024

Emerging from a high-conflict marriage can feel like stepping onto a battlefield, where every day presents new challenges and uncertainties. In...

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