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Divorcing a Narcissist: Strategies for Regaining Your Sanity

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 07, 2020

By Lisa Brick

[AUDIO VERSION: Do you enjoy audio better? Listen to the podcast regarding this blog post. Click below to listen. Let us know if...

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The Third Step To Love – Make Yourself A Priority

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 07, 2020

Loving yourself enough to say, “I count too!”

If you want to find someone to love you, you must first love yourself.  How do...

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The Second Step: Love Thyself

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 07, 2020

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance” – Oscar Wilde

The first challenge in self loving is to stay in your own...

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The First Step to Finding True Love

By JBD Team | Tags - Apr 07, 2020

For many of us, it is hard to tell the difference between selfless, selfish and self-love.  We see our selflessness as a good thing, but...

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How I Left My High Conflict Marriage

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 10, 2020

By Karen McMahon

When I met my husband, I felt like the luckiest woman.  He was smart, charismatic, kind, generous and handsome. We were both...

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How to Tackle High Conflict Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 25, 2020

By Karen McMahon

While most divorces include their fair share of emotional turmoil, stress and contention, high conflict divorce takes it to...

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Money Matters: Untangling Dollars and Sense

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 21, 2020

By Lisa Brick

Money and finances are an ever-present focus in adult life and a central and almost always thorny aspect of divorce.


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5 Survival Tips for Divorcing Stay-at-Home Moms

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 21, 2020

Updated as of February 2020

There are many women who married young or gave up lucrative careers to have children once they were married.

They often...

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Understanding The Fundamentals of Child Custody | Guest Post by Sam Mazella

By JBD Team | Tags - Feb 03, 2020
Note:  Every state’s laws are slightly different.  This article is written by The Peterson Law Firm of Arizona.

When there are...

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