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Unraveling From Your Ex-Spouse

By JBD Team | Tags - Sep 29, 2016

By Karen Basmagy

You’ve gone to court, the divorce is final.  Perhaps it was a long messy ordeal or maybe it was simple, amicable and...

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An Effective Alternative to Judgement During Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Sep 21, 2016

By Karen McMahon

I often coach my clients around the impact that being judgmental has on them, the people they interact with and their...

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The Truest Voice You Can Listen to During Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Sep 07, 2016

By Karen McMahon

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant...

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Is Your Spouse a Psychopath? Do's and Don’ts When Divorcing

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 14, 2016

By Lisa Brick

There are numerous reasons a relationship unravels.  The majority of them are due to a growing incompatibility of values and...

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Going From Bitter to Better

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 02, 2016

By Lisa Brick

For many of you who have found your way to Journey Beyond Divorce this divorce may not be your first. Your first experience with...

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The Magic of Coaching: Life Is Better Because I Changed!

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 22, 2016

By Erica T, Journey Beyond Divorce Client


"The first time I ever spoke to Karen, I had gone for a walk around the block to blow off some...

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I Want To Forgive, I Just Don't Know How!

By JBD Team | Tags - Mar 15, 2016

By Karen McMahon


I recently spoke about forgiveness at a retreat and even those that understood the value of forgiveness and deeply desired...

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Two Vital Steps To Take When Entering Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Jan 27, 2016

By Karen McMahon


If you are in the early stages of divorce there are two vital steps that you must take to prepare for this challenging...

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Co-parenting Post Divorce - Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 19, 2015

By Karen McMahon

Co-parenting in contentious relationships creates additional challenges above and beyond those discussed in Part 1 of...

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