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The High Net Worth Divorce Playbook: Finding Hidden Assets During Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Dec 05, 2022

In the complex world of High Net Worth Divorce there is often a need for a forensic accountant who helps to find hidden assets OR missing money,...

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The High Net Worth Divorce Playbook: How to Divide and Distribute Complex Assets

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 18, 2022

Welcome to our 2nd episode of The High Net Worth Divorce Playbook where we examine the intricate finances related to your divorce and the critical...

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JBD Team Talks: Getting through the Holidays

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 18, 2022

The holidays can be a particularly challenging time for couples who have separated or are going through divorce. It is natural to feel lonely,...

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Healthy Romantic Relationships: A Blended Family Guide to Avoid the Pitfalls and Enjoy the Promise!

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 11, 2022

Today we look at the time, energy, and relationship challenges and triumphs when blending two parents and one or two sets of children into one new...

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Voices of Celebration: My anger and resentment was transformed into an expansive love of myself and my new life!

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 09, 2022

Judy was married for 12 years before she decided to file divorce. After several attempts at couple's therapy, things were still not getting...

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The High Net Worth Divorce Playbook: The Art of Negotiation

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 07, 2022

Understanding and skillfully engaging in the Art of Negotiation is vital for you, the high net worth individual.  Today we discuss the value...

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JBD Team Talks: Ask the Coaches with Carrie, Rachel and KP

By JBD Team | Tags - Nov 04, 2022

In this podcast, members of the JBD Coaching Team answer some of the most frequently asked questions that come up for people as they are...

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Healthy Romantic Relationships: The Remarriage Manual: How to Make Everything work Better the Second Time Around

By JBD Team | Tags - Oct 28, 2022


Today we’re speaking to Terry Gaspard, author of The Remarriage Manual - How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time...

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JBD Team Talks: A Personal, Powerful Perfectly Priced Practice for Healing Through Divorce

By JBD Team | Tags - Oct 21, 2022

When going through divorce, everyone understands that it’s important to talk about what’s going on with people you trust. As you may...

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