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High Conflict: How I Reclaimed My Sanity, Self Esteem and My Life!

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 20, 2022

 While navigating divorce, fear of the unknown often drives us to replace our uncertainty with a catastrophic worst case scenario about our...

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JBD Team Talks: Letting Go Part II: But HOW do I Let Go?

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 17, 2022

So much of our suffering is due to the voices in our head...the stories of how we have been wronged, or what is happening is bad or the certainty...

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High Conflict: The Vital Role Forgiveness Plays in Healing

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 13, 2022

The psychological impact of living with a HCP crushes your self esteem often leaving you, the spouse insecure, reactive and bitter.  Dr....

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JBD Team Talks: Divorce Grief: How to Honor, Process and Grow Through Grief

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 10, 2022


When we are faced with divorce, we go through a grief process. The death of our marriage brings the loss of the hopes and dreams we had as...

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High Conflict: How to Communicate To Get What You Want from a Narcissist

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 10, 2022

 As we began discussing in our last episode, communicating with a high conflict personality (HCP) is often frustrating and fruitless, and...

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High Conflict: How to Remain Peaceful, Productive and Professional

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 10, 2022

Today’s powerful episode gives you the strategies and tools needed to communicate more effectively with your spouse’s high conflict...

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Healthy Romantic Relationships: Know Your Personal Operating Style

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 10, 2022

Welcome to Today’s Episode: Know Your Personal Operating ‘Style’ and That of Your Partner’s.  

We have a great...

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Voices of Celebration: I Found Myself, He Got Sober and Everyone's Better!

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 08, 2022

Molly knew early on in her marriage that things were not good. She experienced emotional abuse and walked on eggshells to 'keep the peace' with...

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High Conflict Divorce: How to Heal from Self Love Deficiency (Codependence)

By JBD Team | Tags - Jun 06, 2022


Today’s episode is dedicated to your healing journey. Those of us who marry HCPs have our part in the dysfunction as we discussed in...

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